The Hypothetical Ball and Chain Saga

What began as a journal of sorts into the mind of someone planning a wedding from afar - the highs, the lows, the in-betweens - that ended in a wedding uniquely ours, to the continuing saga of married life and still being an amazon.

Monday, January 24, 2005

A regular day

Today, after weeks of working either on the wedding or the business, became a day of routine and normalcy. (Thank God, I can't help but utter.) I went to work, dropped the kids off at daycare - worked on TONS of paperwork and trading, not to mention reports and summary of accounts, then went home to cook dinner (shrimp scampi and garlic rice), put the kids to bed and then do our taxes...

Well, I was supposed to do our taxes but I got involved in a chat room with w@wies and was fun, they were funny and it got my mind off the wedding and just spent the evening chatting. I had to rest but now as i'm writing, it reminds me that after the wedding, it will be weeks of regular days again. Much like the last 4 years have been...and while I look forward to that right now, I know I will get bored (again).

I am glad that through this course of preparations though, I've met really cool, interesting and funny people. I'm glad for this regular day - I didn't get to do a bit of wedding stuff...but I thoroughly enjoyed today.


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