On what made us renew our vows

That's why I'm glad I have Brian.
We are polar opposites, it's amazing. Aside from the obvious, he is as Caucasian as can be and I am purely Filipina, he is the yang to my ying. He didn't have a single dressy shirt before I met him, except for that suit he wore to a wedding. I could find in my closet the perfect cocktail dress to wear for that not quite cool, not yet warm spring season on a cruise ship for a Sunday brunch with the Pope and the Sultan of Brunei.
I am a planner, goal oriented with to do lists in my PDA, cellphone, computer (both desktop and laptop), and in my dayplanner. Brian has ADD, to focus on one thing takes all his energy - he has his things to do lists to, but if mine is to be able to cross things off so I don't forget anything, his is to be able to focus on the next task. He is spontaneous, he can quit his job and in two weeks have us move to a different city, find a new house, new friends and settle down. (This actually happened, don't ask me, I still have nightmares).
He is so outgoing, he used to be a lead singer of several punk bands growing up. He has an amazing voice, a wonderful personality and just the coolest guy to hang around with. I am more introverted, I enjoy the company of friends and people, but in a setting that I am comfortable with, not anywhere. I could be at ease with people but also be completely enthralled by a bookshop - I could spend hours there and not notice it. I was never one for the limelight, while he was most at home with it.
His favorite thing to read is a comic book - he is a geek and a techie. Video games are his passion. He can discuss animation (both keyframe and motion capture), as well as hardware and software issues that can potentially cause the blue screen of death. I love books, the thicker the better, the more archaic the words, the better. I am a nerd to his geekdome. My passion is writing, sometimes drawing. Discussions on politics, economics and history intrigue and capture me.
And yet, we have shared our passions with each other, and while we could lose the other in our discussions, we have learned to grow into it. We have learned to work together on the planning and spontaneity side of our family life, we have learned to work together on our personalities.
He is my breath of fresh air as he introduces me to all things casual, rugged and natural. I am his guide in the world of grown ups and society and the world. We bring out the best in each other and find strength in our own weaknesses. While separately we can survive, life is just so much better together - and it just makes sense that way.
The things that initially bound us, our shared sarcasm (the only true brand of humor), the long conversations, and constant desire to discover something new, keeps our relationship grounded, but it is our differences that make us grow in our relationship.
Yesterday he said, don't let the small things get to you - the bottomline is, we're already married. I am in this for the long run, this wedding is just another way to show you I love you...(a slight pause) and for me to get a bit of diving along the way.
My husband, my equal partner in life. And a constant irritant to my good stories. Gotta love him.
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