The Hypothetical Ball and Chain Saga

What began as a journal of sorts into the mind of someone planning a wedding from afar - the highs, the lows, the in-betweens - that ended in a wedding uniquely ours, to the continuing saga of married life and still being an amazon.

Sunday, July 30, 2006


I've been told by a few folks (including you, Cynch ;) ) that I haven't been very regular with my posts. And I really want to try to work on that. I finally got a chance this weekend. Bri is off to another conference in Boston and I've finally gotten some time alone. It's been hard lately with the house for sale and house buying we're doing.

Oh yeah, that posting dated earlier in the year? That was supposed to be July sometime...hahaha, that's what happens pala when you edit an entry written earlier, I couldn't change the date.

I've noticed that lately, I've been waiting for the opportunity for life to get into some routine. When things get too complicated, and I find that multi-tasking is not something I do part of the day but all of the time and all day, I know that the part of me that seeks for some sort of stability and continuity will be seeking for the strict schedule that tells me what to do and what to expect.

A routine, usually found boring, mundane and even tedious by some, is sorely missed by those who find that the day can never be planned and that each day something needs to be taken care of. I just read online that multi-tasking make you more forgetful. That must be true, because unlike before where I can tell a client's previous transaction even if it was 6 months ago, the price and what was bought or sold, I can barely remember who I talked to on the phone 30 minutes earlier.

Everytime I figure that I'd get the list of things to do done, I would have appointments, calls and sudden client talks that NEED to be done right away. Working from home certainly hasn't changed much in that area. Even my writing right now is erratic or at least I feel it is since my ideas are all jumbled in my head. I wish I could write the words, feelings and everything else down and finally have it out of my head and hopefully get rid of it...reduce the amount of words in my head. It is this constant, "I need to...", "I can't forget to...", "I have to remember...", "I can't forget to...", "What will I do about...", "I need to talk to...". I want to stop thinking.

I want to be able to check off my list of things to do and not add on to it, I need to be able to write schedules down and be able to do them, I want to be able to plan my day. I'm so busy, I'm tired. Wow..this didn't turn out to be what I planned to write at all. Oh well, that's what happens....I wish we were back in a routine again.


Blogger Cynch said...


you've updated again! (and i was mentioned, hehehe!)

and oh, regarding routine, to some people they really hate it. as for me, i do have a routine and i'm getting tired of it... BUT i'm not giving it up, i would still love to have a routine but a little flavor every now and then... :)

7:18 PM  

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