4 jobs i've had in my life
1. Sales Coordinator for a small multinational company
2. Visa officer in the Canadian embassy
3. Consular office in the Australian embassy
4. Currently, financial advisor for Ameriprise Financial (formerly American Express Financial Advisors) and a business-owner
4 movies i could watch over and over
1. Lord of the Rings (Trilogy - yes all 9+ hours of it)
2. My Fair Lady (Audrey Hepburn is amazing)
3. You've Got Mail
4. First Wives Club
4 Places I've Lived
1. Cebu City
2. Cubao, QC
3. Blue Ridge, QC
4. and now with husband and kids, in San Diego, CA
4 tv shows i love to watch
1. West Wing
2. Law and Order, SVU
3. CSI
4. Histories Mysteries
4 Places I've Been on Vacation
1. Milan, Italy
2. Switzerland & France
3. London
4. Utah
4 websites i visit daily
1. Yahoo!
2. Hotmail
3. Inq7.net
4. abs-cbnnews.com
4 of my favorite foods
1. Kare-kare
2. Chicharon Bulaklak
3. Strawberries covered with Dark Chocolate
4. Sashimi (wow, that doesn't sound good put all together)
4 places i'd rather be right now
1. Geneva, Switzerland
2. any beach in the Philippines (far away from work)
3. a 5 star hotel room all by myself with books, music and TV
4. since this is all unlikely, Barnes and Noble
4 bloggers i'm tagging
1. Glo
2. Marj
3. Leslie
4. Velvet